Sunday, April 22, 2012

Meet Michelle!! Aspergers or Autism - Doctors don't know! But we love her anyways!

I have a daughter who is 31 months old. She is exhibiting many signs of Autism or Aspergers. We are just about complete with the testing right now. She has 99% been diagnosed by the doctors are torn between High-Functioning Autism & Aspergers because she doesn't speak but is learning how.
 I've found there are limited supports in my region so I have decided to reach out here. The difference between Aspergers and Autism is the speech aspects so I am thinking my daughter is more of a "High-Fuction Autistic" than aspergers but I'd love support, help and to support you!

**Keep an eye out for my group on Facebook "The Asperger & ASD Child- From the Testing and Beyond!" I'll post a link in my next blog when I'm 100% set up!!

Here is a bit about my daughter from the ASD/Aspergers aspect:

Since birth: Severly delayed sitting up, didn't walk until 21 months, NEVER babbled ever, and finally repeated her first word at 27 months.

Other stuff:
•She gives eye contact, after about 3 minutes of trying to get her attention, but the eye contact is limited to a glance at me then gone.
•She mouths everything; eats sand, paint, crayons, toys, grass, sticks
•Meltdowns (screaming, crying, kicking, etc) at the slightest bit of change in routine or if her sister gets into her space or even over the smallest of things!
•She doesn't socialize. She loves to be near the kids some of the time but never actually plays with them. She'd rather do her own thing!
•She doesn't play pretend games, ever. And limits her interested to cars (she carries them), sticks, and bracelets.
•She can say a total of 20 words freely, repeats EVERYTHING (words and actions) and doesn't understand instruction.
•We did testing on her and her motor skills etc are to that of an 18 month old.
•When we ask her a question she repeats the question rather than answering yes or no.
•She fixates on foods (pickles, hotdogs, chees slices) and has meltdowns if I try to give her something else.
•She flaps her arms (I call her my little bird lol) when excited, or mad, or concentrated.
•She also constantly for no reason bangs her head off the wall, hits her head, flicks lights on & off (for hours), and open/closes doors

And here is a bit about my daughter in general

  • She is so kind and gentle
  • She never hurts anyone physically or verbally
  • She is high energy and loves animals (especially our kitten - except for when she tries to eat his fur lol)
  • She is very polite and always says thank you.
  • She learns very quickly even though she can't speak; knows all her body parts
  • She loves to be near other kids and really enjoys playing alone
  • Michelle can always make you laugh! She is a ham!
  • She is very dependant on everyday things but still such a grown up independant little girl
  • Michelle will get along with anyone and smiles at everything
  • Loves to watch the wind blow the grass, spiders climb a web, and cars drive by.

Most people don't understand Michelle and think she's a shy, whiny little girl that gets spoiled all the time but she's not. She's just unique!

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